Sunday, April 17, 2016

Bathroom fix and new tile

In the midst of new windows and Spring gardening we noticed that the toilet in the main bath was "sweating" a lot.  Enough to ruin the floor tile.  Hubby finally spotted the culprit.  It was a hairline crack in the bowl. toilet to replace the cracked one and new tile to replace the old.  It all goes quite nicely with the new window too!

Old (shows down to original 1961 tile)...hard to see but it's all cracked up...

New tile and window...I must say that today's peel and stick tiles are SO much better than the older models.  These are thick and the 24"x 12" size is much more sophisticated looking.  I love this much so that the kitchen is getting redone very soon...

Remember the old bathroom....

Windows and Rear Yard

And the rest of the windows are replaced. Pretty cool that I went to work and hubby replaced three and then I went to work the next day and the last three were done by the time I got home. Nice to have a handyman!  However, I lost the argument for the glass block to replace the plywood "window" in the full bath. When hubby was ordering the windows he discovered windows that you can't see clearly through and ease of replacement won out. That's okay. I really do like the new window and my bathroom having more light!

Before ...

And, after...

Much nicer and more energy efficient to boot!  In between adding the windows we went on a great eight day cruise and then hubby had a heart attack. He had a stent placed in an artery that was 100% blocked and did very well. He's back at cutting down trees in our backyard and tending the garden he started just before our vacation. Some pics of the backyard. It's really starting to come together. 


The "after" has taken quite a bit of manual labor.  There were several years worth of pine straw in the yard when we moved in.  It took many hours of raking to get it all.  Since then we have added the patio I mentioned previously, built the swing, built and painted the gates, built a fire pit, replaced the back porch light, created three distinct gardens and sided the rest of the shed.  I like it so far but my mind is always turning (sorry hubs)...

The stones outlining the gardens came from our beach.  There has been a large excavation project going on that has created wash up of all these stones.  My hubby went and plucked several hundred for us to outline our rear gardens.  FREE!